How to use the oven safely

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The oven should be placed in a clean horizontal place indoors, kept dry, well protected from moisture and humidity, and protected from corrosion.

  The oven should be placed in a clean horizontal place indoors, kept dry, well protected against moisture and humidity, and to prevent corrosion.

  There should be a certain space where the oven is placed, and it is recommended to have a distance of more than 1 metre from the wall on all sides.

  Check the voltage before use, the smaller volume of the oven voltage required for 220V, the larger volume of the oven voltage required for 380V (three-phase four-wire), according to the power consumption of the oven power to install a sufficient capacity of the power switch, and choose the appropriate power cord, the shell should also be grounded.

  After the above work is ready, the test piece can be put into the oven, and then connect the power supply, open the oven switch, with the blower device oven, in the process of heating and constant temperature must be opened to the blower, otherwise the temperature of the studio will not be uniform, and for a long time will also damage the heating element. Subsequently set the desired temperature, the oven is to enter the working state.

  Baking items can not be arranged too closely, the bottom of the oven (cooling plate) can not put items, so as not to affect the circulation of hot air, prohibit the baking of flammable, explosive substances, as well as volatile and corrosive substances.

  Cut off the power supply after baking, and then you can open the door of the studio, remember that you can not directly touch the baked goods with your hands, you should use special tools or take the baked goods with heat-insulating gloves to avoid burns.

  Oven work chamber should be cleaned regularly to keep the interior clean.

  When using the oven, the set temperature can not exceed the maximum operating temperature of the oven, see the product nameplate.

  Customers with special requirements can purchase our special oven, such as explosion-proof oven, high-temperature oven.